All this life

Light is vibration, matter is made of waves, basically everything is a wave, a vibrating field, us as well. Light also symbolizes life and love.

I feel grounded, at peace, with nature around me, listening to birds and rustling leaves, and I sense connection to the surrounding elements.

Outside of thought, outside of time, exists an endless peaceful moment, the now. Just being, vibrating with the world, feeling life flowing through us.

This stillness is where I take my photographs, using longterm exposure and motion. The cameras shot review creates a feedback loop with my motions, opening up intimate spaces between me and nature, portals into an unknown dimension. Thought breaks away, more primal senses take over.

I get lost in the moment and just follow instincts, capturing these spaces in a dance of light and energy.

I hope my images carry some of this energy, and offer an invitation to step out of time, to resonate with deeper and more instinctive levels of being human. To leave rationality behind and perceive our beautiful magical world anew.

A reminder that we all share this vast infinite marvel that is life.

"Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present."
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Thomas Erichsen

My name is Thomas Erichsen, I was born in Munich, Germany.

I started with experimental photography around 30 years ago. Later I did a lot of bird photography around the globe, experiencing the most amazing ecosystems, landscapes, and most important, birds.

Shooting birds with supertele lenses gave my body the ability to aim, which is an essential element of treevision. I work as video editor for more than 20 years, and developed fine-tuned senses for the emotional quality and content of images.

The treevision project started autumn 2023, and around one year later was presented to the public at the Soulgold Salon, among other artists like Steve Sabella and Lars Theuerkauff.

Many thanks to my friend and agent Hendrik, who inspired this project and supports me along the way, with his Soulgold Agency.

Responsible for this website is

Thomas Erichsen
Cheruskerstr. 23
10829 Berlin, Germany
USt-ID DE231661249